more adventurous [a knitting blog]

this is my blog all about knitting (& probably some crafts, too!) I'm a very beginning knitter, but I'm falling in love with it!

feel free to link to me & come back often! :)


Monday, February 27, 2006

flowers, haircuts & amazon overload.

I had a pretty nice weekend. Saturday, I headed home to get my hair cut & colored and to visit my mom & grandma. I also brought along a few of my new knitting books and my crochet stuff, so she could help me figure out what I was doing wrong. so we sat down and she whipped up the bookmark in no time! haha. and I took it home with me to compare to. The rest of the day Saturday, I was attempting to crochet...the bookmark, a flower, anything. I didn't get discouraged, b/c I kept getting better as I went and figuring more things out. but I must have ripped at least 5 different projects.

This continued on Sunday. lol. but I was figuring out more & more (no thanks to the lack of direction on the crochet maybe I do understand why others were saying it was confusing!) as I went. finally, as I was headed to bed last night, I sat there in the covers and attempted one last attempt (at the flower pattern from the kit), determined I wasn't going to make any mistakes this time. and I got it!!

I apologize for the crudeness of the's on my camera phone here @ work. I didn't have time to take one last night (nor did I want to..I was sleepy!) or upload it to my computer @ home. phone! there's still a bit of an extra something-or-another going on with one portion (don't know if you can see from the photo). i'm just happy I've figured out the super secret crochet lingo. lol. there's another flower that's a bit more intricate that I really want to try next. prolly this afternoon. before I do anything I'm actually going to keep, I really need to get some better yarn for the crochet. all I have rigth now is the lame blue acrylic that came with the kit. of course, it's good b/c at least I don't have to waste good yarn on all my practices! but I am ready for something better!

I got my other two books on Saturday...Weekend Knitting & Last-Minute Knitted Gifts!! I have picked out two projects from each book that I want to start on immediately. lol. I wish I had photos, but once again, I do not. I want to make from Last-Minute Knitted Gifts, the Floor Cushions (except not in the bright orange-y color) & also the toy bear & rabbit (mostly the bear, b/c I think it's adorable). Weekend Knitting projects: Lap Blanket & Throw Pillow. I don't remember the exact names of all these projects, so I apologize if they're not correct! I'm very excited to get yarn to start these. Oh, and I also found out that one of my LYS has almost all the yarns I need for these! and I am determined to go there sometime this week. also, a local fabric store to find neat lining and also fabric to make my own needle case and knitting tote. busy, busy bee.

but that's not all! last night, I got online and finally ordered Handknit Holidays and the Surf n' Turf yarn, b/c I couldn't take it anymore! lol. I had to have it. I also ordered a book on contemporary Crewel embroidery, which I had seen on bag 'n trash's blog. finally, I thought I was finished with my ordering, when I noticed that Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker was now available! so I snagged it too! :) and here are all of those things I just mentioned (in order of mention):

well that's enough of a post for now, I'd say. Happy Monday!



Blogger Nyxxie said...

Congrats on the flower looks pretty good from here!

Which LYS are you talking about that carries those yarns?

February 27, 2006 11:58 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...


and I was talking about Haus of Yarn...I looked online anyway and it seemed as though they had most (or all) of the yarns I would need!


February 27, 2006 12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn,

Just wanted to comment on your blog. I know that comments are everything when you're first starting out. Sounds like the crafty bug has bit you! Your flower looks pretty. I've tried crochet without much success, but every once in a while I'll try something out. Good luck with your blog!

February 27, 2006 8:04 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

thanks for the comment, Lori!
now to check out your blog, i go...!


February 28, 2006 10:13 AM  

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