more adventurous [a knitting blog]

this is my blog all about knitting (& probably some crafts, too!) I'm a very beginning knitter, but I'm falling in love with it!

feel free to link to me & come back often! :)


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

my first eBay bid (and win!)

I have recently become obsessed with a couple being the hunt for vintage/unique buttons. this led me to the ever-popular eBay. now, I've bought from eBay many a time. but I'd always gotten things that were "buy now"...never bid (at least that I recall). mainly due to the instant gratification and not wanting to be disappointed if someone outbid me. I hop on over to the store and search for buttons...and boy did I find sooo many i liked! I was on a certain budget so I couldn't go hog wild. but nonetheless... I searched and searched and was really in love with a certain lot of vintage buttons. 150 buttons and the going bid @ the time was about $18. so I bid..with about an hour left to go and patiently waited...and i won!! :) very pleased with myself here. lol. without further ado, a few snippets of my soon-to-be-new stash!

the bunnies are coming along quite nicely...I will post photos of all of them when they are finished (hopefully this weekend!). I'm also running around the ideas for new clutches/wallets. oh yeah, my surf 'n turf one has been put aside for the moment. one, because I didn't really like the way it looked all sewn up and two, because I've been busy with the bunnies and was busy with the Cheli. heh.. perhaps I'll come back to it.

omg...also, do you know about these Blythe dolls? umm...hello. how cute are they? and I am NOT a doll person, but I really want a couple of these cuties! my eye is very concentrated @ the moment on Mademoiselle Rose Bud, but I can't make myself pay the 80 bucks to get her! lol. I've seen these dolls around for a while but only recently started looking into them. I understand the obsession now, b/c I'm part of it! :)

let's see...other news...oh, I should be getting Interweave Knits soon...I hope. It was supposed to be mailed sometime this month, I thought. but I have yet to see it in my mailbox.

that's all for now...I'm working on getting my etsy shop going this weekend..or at least by next week! wish me luck!

***another obsession: I just ordered more yarn (and my first circular needle!) from there this weekend...yippee! lol. I'm also eyeing the "dye your own" yarn. I've been contemplating attempting this (with the kool-aid dye first) for a bit now. we shall see.



Blogger Heather said...

Ebay bidding and winning! Congrats! Very fabulous buttons! I am looking forward to your Etsy!

March 23, 2006 6:07 AM  
Blogger lobstah said...

Those buttons are sooo cool! I'm jealous :)

March 23, 2006 11:59 AM  
Blogger Nyxxie said...

Love the buttons. I have some of the dye your own yarn. I had some of the sock yarn to dye well I still have it but I dyed it with kool aid really fun and exciting. I want to dye some more proably with multi colored this time maybe just 2 colors or so. Last time each one was all one color. Maybe we should get together and try to dye some yarn together sometime!

March 23, 2006 12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I swear I sold those same buttons on Ebay six months ago! Well, probably not, but congratulations on your win! I buy lots of stuff on ebay...yarn, patterns...jut bought some great fabric, too! You have a great blog.

March 23, 2006 12:06 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Hi from a fellow Nashvillian! Kool-Aid dyeing is very easy and fun. My 6-year old son loves to help me with it.

March 27, 2006 6:27 AM  

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