more adventurous [a knitting blog]

this is my blog all about knitting (& probably some crafts, too!) I'm a very beginning knitter, but I'm falling in love with it!

feel free to link to me & come back often! :)


Saturday, April 22, 2006

I have not fallen off the face of the earth... case anyone was wondering (which you probably weren't. lol). I've had a massive stomach flu since some time early Thursday morning...3am, that is. I missed two, count em, two days of work in a row and well...let's just say it's not been pretty. I pretty much didn't leave the bed (you know, except for those lovely runs to the potty place) for 2 whole days. finally today I at least felt well enough to head to target..for an hour. then back home to feel crappy some more. wee! lol. the best thing is..the naseau is gone. I had not thrown up in 12...yes, I said 12...years...and then WHAMMO! it was wondermous, lemme tell ya. that has to be the worst thing ever. how you alchy/partiers do it on a weekly/monthly basis...I have no idea. 5 times...that's all I'll say. 5. and 4 of those times were within about a 10 hour period. yummy.

I'll spare you the gross details, but yeah...yikes. my whole weekend=shot. completely. including my Mason-Dixon knitting meet & greet/book signing at my LYS, Threaded Bliss (check out my sidebar...and scroll to the bottom of you don't see my sidebar...sorry!) last night. yeah. instead, I was laid out in my bed with a washcloth across my face, praying I wasn't going to get sick again. fun times. :( I believe Ann & Kay's next post will be about Threaded Bliss. yeah...just picture me there (as I have...many, many a time). sigh.

and I'm pretty sure all of this is due to a cute little one-year-old red-haired boy we babysat tuesday night. which I would say was worth it (cause I adore the kid), but...yeah, not so much. lol.

anyway, I should be back to my normal self by Monday (I hope!)...just wanted to say if I haven't responded or e-mailed or whatever...there's a reason. give me some time to get back to spiffy.

***my musicswap & postcard pals...I will be sending out your packages on Monday!! please forgive me...they were going to go out on Thursday, but yeah...we know what happened! also, my bf got it too. bah. I know, right? somehow he's 100% already though. grr.

look forward to catching up!



Blogger Heather said...

Glad you're alive because I...TAGGED you!!!!

April 23, 2006 8:11 AM  
Blogger Betty said...

Hope you are feeling better. I was looking out for you @ Mason Dixon, hoping that I would be able to pick you out in the crowd from your blog photos. Okay, so I left 100% positive that you were not there. Now it has been confirmed. Get well soon!

April 24, 2006 6:26 AM  

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